
Timberline Firearms & Training

Is Gun Control Working for You?

Is Gun Control Working for You? | By Rob Wilson Original Article Posted on Flagstaff Business News | September 4, 2022 Much fanfare was presented following the passage of U.S. House Bill H.R. 1808. This bill, titled “Assault Weapons Ban of 2022,” would make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer or possess a […]

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Are You a Hero?

Are You a Hero? | By Rob Wilson Original Article Posted on Flagstaff Business News | August 2, 2022 Recent events at a mall in Indiana may have you asking yourself questions like, “Could I have been the hero in this event?” “What would I have done if I were there?” “What have I done to […]

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Considering the Gift of King James II

Considering the Gift of King James II | By Rob Wilson Original Article Posted on Flagstaff Business News | March 2, 2022 In these troubling days, we’re watching in real time as citizens of a sovereign country are attacked by a much larger aggressor. They are in a very precarious position because of the overwhelming power […]

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New Year’s Resolution: What If?

New Year’s Resolution: What If? | By Rob Wilson Original Article Posted on Flagstaff Business News | January 2, 2022 Tis the season of resolutions. Some are kept, many slip by the wayside, perhaps to be repeated next year. We suggest an alternative at which you’re more likely to succeed: “What if?” None of us ever […]

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